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celebrities in politics in india

Bollywood celebrities who entered the world of politics : Part 1

After a successful run in the Bollywood industry, a lot of Indian celebrities tried their hands at the big bad world of politics. A few of them made it fair and square while others...
dirty politics cases india

Famous instances of highly-dirty politics politicians play in India

Have you ever doubted the power of your right to vote as an Indian citizen? Most of us have! It is primarily due to the reason that it is really hard to find an...

5 final Assembly Polls of 2018 – The penultimate litmus test for the 2019...

Brace yourself! The roadmap for the 2019 Lok Sabha general elections has been laid out by the Election Commission of India. We are now on the cusp of probably knowing who might rule the...

Evaluating Modi Government’s policies in the final year of their tenure

The Modi government (Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA)) is now in its final lap leading up to the 2019 Lok Sabha general elections. There has been a massive and unprecedented scheme...

All you need to know about upcoming Lok Sabha elections Live!

The wait is over! Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora has announced dates for upcoming Lok Sabha elections.  Best wishes to the Election Commission, all those officials and security personnel who will be on the field,...
akshay kumar modi

Akshay Kumar Modi Interview: Why journalists are not pleased?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been accused of one-way communication with 'Man ki Baat'. Some allege that he doesn't want to face the hard questions which is why he has not held any press...
BJP vs Congress, INC should field him(Sajjad) against Narendra Modi's challange 56-inch chest !-voxytalksy

BJP vs Congress, INC should field him against Narendra Modi!

Congress is in sheer trouble! The Congress is currently in power in just three states vis-à-vis Karnataka, Mizoram, Punjab and a single Union Territory of Puducherry! They really need to do something in order...
celebrities in politics in india

Bollywood celebrities who entered the world of politics : Part 4

The last and final part of celebrities in politics in India will feature some more celebs who gave politics a shot. It is surprising how many people left it mid-way, though. Read the previous...
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