Nature Conservation Day 2020: Save Natural Resources

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World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated over the world on July 28. It is observed as one more significant day that helps us to remember the importance of nature in our lives and why we have to monitor it. The day offers us a chance to bring issues to light about the preservation of nature and empower sustainablity.

Nature Conservation Day 2020 | VoxyTalksy


World Nature Conservation Day is marked universally. The day is to spread awareness about the accepted procedures to secure the characteristic natural resources. Our Earth doesn’t have boundless measure of things we need like water, trees, soil and so on.

A report from the global conservation organization, World Wildlife Foundation proposes that since 1970, the burden that we apply on the planet has multiplied. About 33% of the resources we depend whereupon have declined.

Ways for Conservation of Nature

  • Plant a Tree.
  • Save Water.
  • Avoid Wastage of food.
  • Conserve Electricity.
  • Lessen Pollution.
  • Spread Awareness.
  • Use Less Paper.
  • Reduce Reuse Recycle.
  • Rainwater Harvesting.
  • Practise Sustainable Lifestyle.

Governmental Policies in India to conserve Natural Resources

The government had taken procedures for the preservation of characteristic assets is the usage of laws. This is reflected in the protected structure of India. The constitution actualized laws to moderate and improve the timberland, lakes, streams, and natural life.

The laws that have been impemented are:

  • The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
  • The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
  • The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
  • The Environment Protection Act, 1986
  • The Hazardous Waste Management Regulations, etc.
  • The world is beautiful because of its natural resources so we should consider it and we must preserve it. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • It is not wrong to say that the health and well being of a person is directly proportional to the time he spends in touch with nature. Love nature and conserve it. Have a very happy Nature Conservation Day 2020!
  • Love and care for the earth and it will care for you more. Happy Nature Conservation Day 2020!
  • There is nothing more rejuvenating than a stroll on a road lined by trees on both sides. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • The beautiful Earth should be saved and we all should try our best to conserve it. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • It is our duty to save, love, and conserve our nature.  Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • The Earth sustains us and we must not cause any harm to it but preserve it for our future generations. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • The Earth is what we all have in common. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!
  • Don’t complain about the Increasing warming of the climate unless you are ready to make changes for the betterment of nature. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!

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