In an unfortunate incident before upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Naxalites blew BJP MLA Bhima Mandavi’s bulletproof SUV and killed 5 men on the spot.
Strongly condemn the Maoist attack in Chhattisgarh. My tributes to the security personnel who were martyred. The sacrifices of these martyrs will not go in vain.
— Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 9, 2019
Dantewada area has been known for Naxalite activities for a long time.
The only BJP MLA Bheema Mandawi from Dantewada killed in Naxal attack in Chhattisgarh along with 5 security personnel.
What ruling Congress doing over the increased naxal activities in
The area?#Dantewada— Chowkidar Geetika Swami (@SwamiGeetika) April 9, 2019
The convoy consisting of 3 cars was heading from Bacheli to Kuwakonda after election campaigning. His bulletproof car blew up into 2 pieces leaving a 4-foot crater behind it.
It is said that around 20 kg of explosive was used for the blast. After the blast, Maoist opened fire after the explosion.
It is said that police had warned him not to travel on that path however, he denied the warning saying that he knew the area.
Maoist warned people not to contest in upcoming elections, this attack is seen as their way of issuing a warning.
Shocked and pained at the #NaxalAttack which took place today in #Dantewada, killing 5 people including MLA Shri Bhima Mandavi. Such ghastly and disturbing acts of violence cannot be justified in any manner. My prayers are with the family and friends of the departed souls.
— Pranab Mukherjee (@CitiznMukherjee) April 9, 2019
Shri Bhima Mandavi was a dedicated Karyakarta of the BJP. Diligent and courageous, he assiduously served the people of Chhattisgarh. His demise is deeply anguishing. Condolences to his family and supporters. Om Shanti.
— Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 9, 2019
election commission said that polls will happen on time