
Ramzan amid Coronavirus pandemic: 2020 Greetings | Wishes | VoxyTalksy

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Ramzan or Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic schedule. Muslims celebrate it worldwide as a month of fasting, charity, prayer, reflection, and community. In 2020, the month of Ramadan starts from 23rd April and ends on 23rd May. Unfortunately, this year the Islamic festival will have to be celebrated in one of the trying times of the world. Ramzan amid Coronavirus pandemic is followed by lockdowns and curfews around the world.

During the period of Ramadan, Muslims observe fast from nightfall until sunrise. It is assumed that Prophet Muhammad got the principal revelation during Ramzan. Towards the end of the Ramadan month, there is a huge celebration called Eid-ul-Fitr to commend the finish of the fast. Eid-ul-Fitr is commended on wearing one’s best garments, giving endowments, having dinner with one’s family. Muslims likewise utilize this opportunity to request absolution for sins and to worship Allah. Here’s how one must follow the rituals of holy Ramzan with the rules of lockdown in India.

Do’s & Don’ts –

Wishes & Greetings –

This year, celebrate the holy month of Ramzan amid Coronavirus pandemic situation may seem tough, but one day the whole world will cope up with this difficulty, and people can once again be able to celebrate every festival in freedom. For this, all of us will have to remain united at the moment. Spread unity than hatred! Happy Ramadan!!

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