
Swami Vivekananda And His Emphasis On Youth!

Swami Vivekananda And His Emphasis On Youth VoxyTalksy
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu monk and one of the most remembered religious leaders of India. Vivekanand Ji was more than just a spiritual mind; he was a productive thinker, commendable orator, and passionate patriot. He carried on the free-thinking philosophy of his guru, Ramakrishna Paramhansa forward into a new ideal. Swami Vivekanand was born on January 12, 1863, on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.

Youth is the future

According to Swami Vivekananda, “Youth is the future”.

He always supported youth. His natural hope was the youth. Once a young man came to him for gaining the knowledge of Geeta. He advised him to play football, instead and said a football field is a good place to understand Geeta. Perhaps he believed in the saying- a sound mind in a sound body. He advocated cultural nationalism.

Swami Vivekanand is the prominent youth icon produced by India and one that influenced millions of youth across the world.

He has been a perennial source of inspiration for the youth. In the 21st century, when the youth of India are facing new problems, pushing edges, and ambitions for a better future, thoughts of Swami Vivekanand have become more relevant.

 Swami Vivekananda’s relevance to today’s youth

The greatest quest of the youth is for a meaningful life that inspires the heart, liberates the mind, and ignites the soul. Swami Vivekanand understood this. His ideas can be understood by these four-fold mantras to live a meaningful life which is as follows:

Swami Vivekanand advised these four quests as an ideal and goal for the youth. The purpose of these services was to elevate the individual and national consciousness as a whole. He trusted the civilizational value system of this land known as Bharat.

“To the Youth of India”

source: Goodreads

“To the Youth of India” is a book written by Swami Vivekananda in English having 172 pages.

Moreover, this book is a collection of some of the stirring and inspiring lectures that Swami Vivekananda delivered to vast audiences in India and Sri Lanka after his rise to fame as the patriot-saint of Modern India. The pages of this book present a representative selection of the great Swami’s message to the young sons and daughters of India.

Really, it is a must-read for youngsters who aspire to lead a spiritually and morally enlightened life.

Swami Vivekananda’s Quotes on Youth 
source: velivada

What makes Swami Vivekananda the ideal role model for the youth is the fact that he encouraged the youth to be strong in body, mind, and spirit. Also, he strongly advocated their role in nation-building. He visualized India as a country with energetic young people, who will shape up a modern nation based on the foundation of Vedic spiritual ideals.

Vivekanand was a great observer of the human mind and human society at large. He understood that undertaking any social change calls for enormous energy and will power. Therefore, he called upon the youth to not only boost up to their mental energies but their physical ones as well.

It is high time for the youth to come forward once again by shedding their fears, as Vivekanand said, and take up the cudgels to shape up Bharat by turning the decaying into vibrant, bringing health to the sick, making the weak strong, bringing stability where there are volatility and sowing meaning where it is lost.

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