Congress Questions all foreign tours
PM Modi’s foreign has been driven by optics, self promotion, hugs & addresses to the Indian diaspora abroad rather than our national interest.
He has repealed our neighbouring countries like Maldives, Nepal, Srilanka & Burma away from India. #HugplomacyYaadRakhna
— Saral Patel (@SaralPatel) March 14, 2019
पाकिस्तान को किसी रोज़ क्रिकेट में पीट के ख़ुश हो लेंगे. चीन के सामान के ख़िलाफ़ कुछ दिन सोशल मीडिया पर #BoycottChina का नारा लगा कर. आतंक के ख़िलाफ़ भारत की सबसे बड़ी लड़ाई की यही नियति है बस?#ChinaBacksMasood
— रोहित सरदाना (@sardanarohit) March 14, 2019
News channels are also asking the same question
#BattleOf2019 | Has @narendramodi‘s ‘hugplomacy’ changed India’s foreign policy clout?
Watch #Viewpoint with @bhupendrachaube
— News18 (@CNNnews18) March 14, 2019
People can’t forget these pics
The hugplomacy might have helped the Prachark and his crony capitalist friends but not the nation The one who claimed to show ‘Red Eyes’ seems to be in the mute mode as usual When China blocked India’s plea to put Masood Azhar in UNSC terror list #HugplomacyYaadRakhna #ModiLies
— Geeta Saini (@exhortofgeeta) March 14, 2019
Ragini madam @NayakRagini U are absolutely amazing 👏
MODI has messed our foreign policies.. & with the help of GODImedia they have successfully hid it from us INDIANs till today .. & U came and demolished everything in two minutes😂 #HugplomacyYaadRakhna— Veena D (@The_veenaD) March 14, 2019
#Modi’s knowledge of foreign policy can be written at the back of a mini postage stamp. #ChinaBacksMasood
— Bhavana Jain (@Bhavana41609504) March 14, 2019
Dr. Kumar Vishwas thinks its time for long term solutions
समय आ गया है कि देश की सरकार,जनता और उद्योग समूहों को पाकिस्तान के साथ-साथ आतंकियों के इस फूफा “चीन” को भी सबक़ सिखाना होगा. देश को एक सुदीर्घ कार्यनीति योजनापूर्वक लागू करनी होगी ताकि एक तरफ़ तो देश के छोटे-मंझोले उद्योग आत्मनिर्भर हो सके और दूसरी और इस ड्रैगन को औक़ात पता चले😡
— Dr Kumar Vishvas (@DrKumarVishwas) March 14, 2019
While there was huge criticism on money spent on foreign tours
Modi’s foreign visits: A look at the PM’s travel expenses👇
Manamohan ji spent 642 crores in 10 yrs while modiji already spent 1484 crores in 50 months.
Sir, why are you spending lots of money on your foreign tours? What India got?#50Months50Questions— vishal (@VishalGaur1111) July 26, 2018