
Make your mundane phone come ‘alive’ with this quirky smartphone adapter called MobiLimb!


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Weird just got weirder – but with a purpose! Your simple smartphone is finally getting its own limbs – it can now walk, prance or hop about as much as it wants! No, I have not lost it! I am serious! Your smartphone will now tickle you or scratch your back whenever you want! Why are you laughing? I said I am serious!

Ok fine! Here is what I am referring to – Mobilimb. This weird contraption is the brainchild of Human-computer interaction researcher and analyst Marc Teyssier who has built this robotic attachment for smartphones and tablets which eerily resembles a severed finger.

Remember Thing from Addams Family? He just had a kid!

So, what is Mobilimb? And, why is it so horrifying?

Technicalities of the ‘limb’

Marc says in his research paper:

What can it be used for?

MobiLimb can be used as a tool for:

  1. Notifications display,
  2. 3D joint manipulation,
  3. Video preview,
  4. Improve grasping,
  5. Directional light,
  6. Self-actuated movement

MobiLimb can serve as a haptic interface and touch the user on

  1. the hand or
  2. skin
  3. the wrist.

This will facilitate the relay of physical text messages between users.

It is really needed?

Practical uses of MobiLimb we can think of?

What do people have to say about it?

You can read Marc’s research paper via this link for more details

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