
Consumer Grievance Redressal Process in India

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Suppose you purchase a book in India from a reputed publisher, but either its pages are either coming out or the words are misprinted/grammatically incorrect. Do you have the right to get a refund? What if the publisher denies you a refund? What do you do then?

What if you buy a large consignment of T-shirts on pre-order and it is not covered under insurance? What do you do then?

Fear not! You may have the right to Consumer Grievance Redressal since you are a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986.

When can a complaint be made?

A complaint may be made in writing under the following circumstances:

The jurisdiction for your case depends if your case should be a civil suit or consumer plaint and on the value of your product or service prescribed herein:

Consumer Grievance Redressal for large-scale consumers

The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) was set up in 1988 to see such cases (complaint valued more than one crore) where either a consumer was duped of a product/service or they were denied service as promised.

To file a complaint with NCDRC you have to follow these points:

Consumer Grievance Redressal for smaller consumers

Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs’ initiative National Consumer Helpline – NCH (Toll-Free No. – 1800-11-4000) which operates under the Centre for Consumer Studies at Indian Institute Of Public Administration helps the consumers address their grievance in matters related to day-to-day dealings with many business and service providers.

A consumer can call the helpline to seek information and make complaints. The ‘Jago Grahak Jago’ campaign of the NCH helps customers in the following ways:

As a consumer, you are entitled to:

How to register your complaint with NCH?

What are the Reliefs available to Consumers from Consumer Fora?

Is it possible or is it a myth?

Thousands of Complaints are registered on such forums and consumer courts each month. The case lists are published monthly in PDF format and are publicly accessible.

You can track your case status from the websites of these fora. The public reaction to their grievance redressal is mixed. Many people have benefitted from such initiatives whereas many didn’t find the resolution they were looking for.

You also have to factor in the premise that these are government websites and they take their own time to process complaints.

Overall, since you are a consumer, you have every right to approach fora for redressal of your grievances. Let us know your experiences in the comment section below.

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