
An overview of the e-commerce industry of India and the world! – Part 2


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Difference between India and the international markets like US and China


International e-commerce markets, especially the US have a firm and established e-commerce sites in the form of Amazon and Walmart. India is still getting used to the fact of e-commerce purchasing as a norm. The emergence of a single leader in the industry is tough due to the fact that the country is so diverse.

No single entity can cater to the likes of all the people; this is why we have different websites offering different products. To cater to this vast diversity in demands, India needs diversified businesses to handle the whims and fancies of Indians.

Thankfully, the current Indian Modi government is progressing in the right direction. In a recent development, the central government has made a case for developing a national e-commerce policy and the formation a consolidated legal framework to address the challenges of the e-commerce sector of the country to help the government realize the opportunities in the global business-to-consumer (B2C) space for ease of doing business with partner countries.

Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia said in a workshop at Delhi, “Most important for us at this point in time as policy-makers and also as stakeholders who are at the receiving end… We do not have a national e-commerce policy and we do not have a consolidated legal framework to deal with it. So if we look at the e-commerce… we do need a broad policy that looks at the broad elements, that we will use to realize the opportunities,”

Thanks to its push for revenue generation through digital media and the establishment of a digital economy, we are right on track to beat the US markets supposedly in a span of 10 years or so.

That is a wonderful idea! Kudos to the development of India.

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